Professor Patricia Ordóñez has been developing a real-time visualization for Intensive Care Unit Data for over 7 years. She will be working with the MIT Laboratory of Computational Physiology in a summer sabbatical in 2015 to incorporate her visualization into their soon-to-be publically available database of streaming physiological data. As part of this grant, she envisions working with Dr. Harry Hochheiser at the University of Pittsburgh on the development and assessment of this project. She would like to incorporate his research on time boxes for univariate time series into multivariate time series of vital sign data. He would serve as a mentor in this project to improve the user experience.
Patricia Ordóñez is the founder of the Symposium of Health Informatics in Latin America and the Caribbean (SHILAC) that began in 2013 with an emphasis on defining common health care problems in LAC and finding innovative informatics solutions. The second SHILAC accompanied by the first Hacking Medicine in the Caribbean will occur in November 2015 in San Juan. Her contacts in Latin America and the Caribbean with leaders in biomedical informatics will serve as mentors for faculty at UPR-RP. Her expertise in working with visualization and machine learning in multivariate times series to develop clinical decision systems make her an ideal candidate for the program since she is attempting to incorporate her research into streaming databases.